Monday, 15 November 2010

WEB 2.0

“The World Wide Web is a series of documents stored in different computers all over the Internet. Documents contain information stored in a variety of formats, including text, still images, sounds, and video.” (Berners-Lee, 1996)

Web 2.0 embraces a variety of different meanings that include UGC, content sharing and collaborative effort, with the use of several kinds of social networks, wikis and blogs such as YouTube, FaceBook, Digg, MySpace, Wikipedia, blogger etc, and the use of web as a platform for generating and consuming content. Social networks can serve two-fold as a rich source of new information and as a filter to identify the information most relevant to our specific needs.

The significant element of Web 2.0 is the concept of social networks, community, and collaboration that enabled by wikis, blogs and discussion groups. Continuous interaction and discussion between users generates information and systems that develop and improve with the passage of its use and provides a sense of collective intelligence. It generates systems that have much more information and better content than any single person could create on their own.

The concept of "Web 2.0" began with a conference between O'Reilly and MediaLive International. Still an immense disagreement is about what Web 2.0 means, as some people criticize it as a meaningless marketing buzzword while, others as new conventional wisdom.

RSS is the most significant advance to make this as ‘LIVE WEB’, Dave Winer's "Really Simple Syndication" technology born in 1997 to push out for updates.
Some of the issues such as crowd sourcing, trust, privacy, prosumers, free labour etc, are tied with web2.0 but due to lots of perspectives and flexibilities it has a remarkable feedback and almost shuffling to next phase of its evolution 'web3.0'.

--Berners-Lee, T. (1996). Declaration of WWW [Online]. Available from: [Accessed on: 14-11-2010] 

1. Web 2.0 Landscape. [Accessed on: 13-11-2010]
2. Web1 vs Web2 vs Web3. [Accessed on: 13-11-2010]

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